So let's pick up where we left off. Kam started first grade in August. She loves it. I have to admit, I was a little worried when we started to get her back into the swing of "homework" before school started, but she has seemed to pick right back up where she left off. They have their first spelling quiz on Friday and I am fairly sure she will get a 100% on it.
Work has been work. I officially started my new position this past Saturday (Monday actually was the first working day but Saturday started the week for Payroll). So far, no different. However, today really tested my patience. This lady in my unit (mind you, there are 6 of us and one of us is on Short Term - and it's not me unfortunately) told me (in the politest way possible, for real) that I had mistakenly changed something and it caused a problem in Finance and Billing. So of course, I am worried sick about it all day long until I start really trying to find out what I did when. Turns out.....wasn't me. IT WAS HER!!! The nerve of her!!!!! So I just had to keep my distance from her for the remainder of the day. ARGH!
I get to see Joe and Tim in just 9 short days. I can't wait just to kick back and relax with them. I really need a break from reality (and I know they do too).
I managed to finish the hall (painting floor - still looking for funding ideas for that portion of the project). Kitchen....not so much. I still need another coat of paint in spots. It's tolerable right now. Erik removed the center part of the carpet, so it looks a little weird right now. Oh well....I can live with it.
Kam started soccer last Saturday. It is the cutest thing ever. Her team is called the Cobras. They have a half hour practice every Saturday followed by a half hour game until November then take a break until the Spring. Her first game.....she scored a goal!!! I barely got it on tape but I did just enough to get the idea she kicked and scored. This week I will be better at filming, I swear. And I still cringe when people say I am a Soccer Mom...puhlease.
Until next time, here is Kam in her soccer gear. Notice the pink and black Adidas shoes. I so want a pair for myself.