For those of you that don't know, I've been on a health kick since October. I am trying new things every week as far as a workout is concerned.
Running has been my new thing....I'm up to 1.37 miles ~ roughly 12 minutes. So it's not Olympic time, but it's a start.
I've also started lifting weights every day - not Hulk Hogan weights, just simple 20 pounds or less depending on the machine.
I have a partner in crime that is along for the ride - Becky. I push her to do things and she pushes me. Yesterday, we tried a new machine at our gym at work. The gravity machine. Don't know what it is? Take a look:

You may have seen Chuck Norris peddling his version as well:

The class was entitled "Getting to Know the Gravity Machine". We both thought it would be a simple tutorial of how the machine works (you aren't allowed to use it unless you learn how to use it first - which makes sense because you really could hurt yourself on one of these bad boys) with a few simple examples of the exercises you can do on them. Uhhhh no.....not at all. This was a full blown class at 7 in the morning. 45 minutes of pure and simple hell. I've run myself through the gammet as far as my muscles are concerned....I thought I had exposed all of the muscles I hadn't used in sometime or have never used at all. Today - well today - I have found new entire body hurts...abs (at least where my abs should be), thighs, calves, armpits, back - you name it, it's sore. There was a point during the workout where we were laying face down on the glider and performing a modified pull up (and here's how evil the instructor is - pull yourself up with 2 arms, let go with one arm, pull yourself back up with 2 arms, let go with one arm) and I just started to giggle uncontrollably. From there, the giggle started to turn into a whimper and I nearly started to cry.
You see how the ladies in the first picture are laying down and some have that pained look? I've determined that this is their second time taking this class and know what they are in for the following day. In fact, I can't remember if the machines actually looked like that or like this:

1 comment:
yOU'VE GOT me beat by 1.37 miles.
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