Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Inspired yet so uninspired

I am drained....like yesterday's dishwater. I have been reading all day long and all I want to do is type my little heart out. But I just cannot muster up enough energy to really post anything...except complaints. So here goes!!!! (Lucky you)

I had a premonition that I would be sleeping on the couch so I filled the fish tank up with just enough water to stop that annoying gurgle sound it makes.

Whaddaya know....3am - on the couch. Usually I get the bed all to myself ~ plus a cat and an occasional dog ~ but you can guarantee I will be in for a nice nights sleep. No tossing, no turning. Only sweet, sweet dreams. Not so much last night.

Erik decides that he must plant his face into what ever suffocating position he can. Pillow - been there. Covers over the head - done that. All the meanwhile, I get to listen to Darth Vader slowly fade into slumber. So when I asked him why he feels the need to act all ostrich like, his answer was "I think it's some subconcious thing - like you know, in case a monster comes in - that way I will be protected. ARE YOU SERIOUS? YOU ARE 33.

Not tonight my Internet, not tonight. Because in about 10 minutes, I am going to get myself a nice big glass of water and retire to the bedroom, sprawl myself over the ENTIRE bed and get to sleep. Good luck trying to move me.


Tess said...

Heh. I'm 30 and I still make a "pillow fortress" (one pillow for my head, and two on each side of my body) to protect against monsters.

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

MOnsters!! ahhhhh lol to funny

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

How funny are your blog referrals.. good one.s