Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Magic Number

I know, I know. You are all waiting for that special post about my recent vacation. It's in the works. I have close to 500 pictures I need to go through before I can post with confidence....and even then, not so much.

To tame your excited little hearts, here's a little tidbit about me I just happened to figure out today.

I was reviewing my medical records from an old doctor and found out that as of today, I have lost 69 pounds since I was at my heaviest. Now, I won't divulge the old number or the new number but I will tell you that it has been a slow up hill battle - to which I will never return to the bottom.

Just thought I would share. Must stop arm has broken from patting myself on the back.

**Side note - I'm NO WHERE NEAR being done either. My hopes are that I can blog one day about losing 100 pounds. At which point, I will say "SUCCESS" (that's for you Tim & Joe)


supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

Las Vegas:


Fo sho.

Really Les. INcredible.

It's time for some new makeup for that new Lesley?? righht???


Anonymous said...

You look fantastic, and that is a HUGE accomplishment! On a side note - I totally read Dooce every day, too. She is so awesome.