Sorry, apparently I am the only one in on the insidedness of this currently.
I have just finished eating my lunch (delicious turkey and pickle sandwich and a McIntosh apple, thankyouverymuch) when I realized....hmmm, still hungry. Now, I could have just as easily walked 5 feet in front of me to the Candy bowl that sits so wonderfully on the skinny lady's desk and grabbed a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup - but no, restraint took over. I look for the small banana I just picked up from the gym (they like to pass out free fruit on Monday's and Friday's - those nice peeps - and far be it from me to pass on anything free, especially food). Still a tad green but mostly yellow and ready for eating as far as I am concerned. Now - I cannot for the life of me ever...EVER open a banana without killing the top part of it. I have to cut it with a knife. A quick (and frantic) search of my desk leaves me with nothing to open the banana with (is open even what you would call it? Peel...but that's the action after you get the little stem started). I spy with my little eye something that would work wonderfully.......A RULER!!! HA!!!! I am so sure I could make it in the long as Bear Grylls were beside me - apart from the obvious fact the man has some serious survival skills....he ain't too shabby to look at!

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