Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Seriously....not even a minute

While I have tried to teach Kam to knock on the bathroom door if is closed and she knows someone is in there, sometimes I wish I would have taught her to just WAIT until said person comes out of the bathroom.

Picture this if you will:

Me, fresh out of the shower (OK OK so it's not really something you want to picture, but stick with me here). I am applying my very S-M-All container of philosophy's Hope In a Jar (and yes people, it really is just as it's name implies....I would pay hundred's of bucks for this stuff - which gets me thinking, what is in there....crack I am thinking...and I'm thinking philosophy puts all sorts of highly addictive narcotics in all of their products because I am addicted). Now - pause for a minute as I need to regroup and figure out where I was going with this.

Ah yes, me, lotion....and here we go....there is a knock on the bathroom door.
Me: "yes?"
Kam: "mommy, can I have your autograph?"

I open the door and there she is with a wire bound journal and a marker that is to be used strictly for her Cranium puzzle because it is one of those wipe off ones. Of course, my initial thought is "uh huh, you want it because you want to start learning how to forge it for your high school years, right?". Instead, I say (which I am pretty sure sounded like YELLED) "What are you doing with this marker? This is only for your Cranium puzzle. You have like a bagillion other markers you can use"

"nuh uh", she replies. Really??? I didn't, I mean Santa didn't just bring you over 100 markers for Christmas?

Obviously, it took me 5 minutes to realize I was NOT going to win an argument with a 5 year old over the quantity of markers she has, because, clearly, I am insane and she knows all.

I sign her book:


She says, "you forgot your last name." I said, "I don't have a last name when my first name is Mommy." And sometimes I wonder where she gets her smart ass comments from.

1 comment:

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

ok: when I got to
Mommy can I have your autograph:

I lost it.

THAT is REALLY a GOOD one Les.

Our kids are TOO similar.

hey Les;
Can I have your FULL autograph?
And when did you start showering again? I'm thinking that maybe when the girls hit... what??... like kindergarten? ... I'll be able to do that again?

And girls weekend at said mentioned spot: im all on it. Name it I'll be there. I will race you to the bar stool.