Thursday, March 6, 2008

There's a reason you were voted off

Dear God! Why in the world do the make the people that are voted off of American Idol sing AGAIN?!?!? Aren't you in the predicament you are in because (say it like Ryan Seacrest) America voted...........and you are not the next American Idol? We DID NOT LIKE THE WAY YOU SANG THE SONG THE FIRST TIME - why on EARTH would I want to hear it again? My ears are bleeding thanks to Kady Malloy. Hey Katy - see the people around you crying - yeah well I'll let you in on a little secret - They AIN'T cryin' because you are leaving.


supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

Dude I'd be doing Tina Turner style dancing jsut to get the attention one last time of ANYONE OUT THERE WHO LIKED ME AND PERHAPS wanted to offer me a record deal or 8 track deal or whatever it is these days the kids are callling it.

Do you still sing?

Me said...

If singing in the car constitutes singing ~ then yes. I have always wanted to have a jolly good time at karaoke somewhere but usually no one wants to go. Alas - it is up to me and Kam to sing in the low you can't hear. nyuck nyuck nyuck!